It's no secret that I love my skirts! They're perfect for bipolar weather and going from outside to inside classrooms, which tend to be either hot or cold. On the left, you have my outfit from Thursday and on the right I'm wearing today's outfit. Both skirts were perfect for transitioning from the freezing mornings to the sunny and warm afternoons.
So why are skirts women's domain? Historically, men would wear gowns and kilts, and let's not forget the toga. Yet, in modern society, it seems a bit unacceptable, even the kilts are kind of sneered upon, in America anyways.

On the right we have a man in a skirt. And somehow, it works. He just looks so comfortable in it. In many of his pictures, you don't even notice he's wearing women's clothing.
A while ago, Susi Bubble of Style Bubble posted a post on men wearing women's clothing. Of course, the post discusses what is meant to be a humerous photoshoot, but I agree with Susi about Vincent Gallo not looking to shabby in it. It's all about the ease.
So today, I showcase my favorite pics from a guy who's brave enough to take this look to the streets. Clicking on the pictures will take you to the photo's page and you can leave some comments for him.

Check out his flickr photostream for more of Kasmeneo's looks in skirts and other women's clothing. Also, check out The Men in Skirts pool on flickr.
My outfits: Left: Shirt- Ross; Belt- off dress from Forever 21; Skirt- from mom (70s); Shoes- Ebay; Socks- Target. Right: pink skull tee- Ross; Striped polo (under), skirt and belt, tights, boots- JC Penny;Socks- Target;Necklace- My dentist office
The Peopleist,
Ivy Frozen
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