Oh no! I forgot to post on ANTM! ::spoiler alert for those who have yet to see this weeks episode::
This week got me excited because I have random like for Dita von Teese. Extremely random. I have no idea why I like her, but I do. I mean, she does Burlesque shows; you'd think I'd be as indifferent to her as I am to Pamela Anderson, and yet I feel that such a comparison is like comparing an apple and a banana. Dita does do some, urm, stuff sure not to appear in a Disney flick anytime soon, but she carries herself in such a ladylike way that it bears no comparison to the likes of Pam Anderson and Paris Hilton.
Oh! And did you see those models standing near her? She was tiny compared to them! I read some where that she's my size, though slightly smaller in the chest area (I have yet to verify it though. I think it was wikipedia...). Anywho, if she really is my size, I feel very tiny. I mean, she was standing next to them in heels and she still looked child-sized.
As for the other guest celebrity, Fabio, I don't have random like for him. Or any like. I associate him with old women, and his face reminds me of a Mastiff. Just watch when he opens his mouth. Feel free to bestow random like on him if that's your thing. I will say he's got a nice body and seemed to have a nice personality. Friendly guy. I suppose he has to be with dimestore romance novel reading women chasing him all the time. So, he gets more like than I had before for him, and I apologize to him for laughing when I heard that his nose was broken by a bird when it smacked into his face when he was riding a rollercoaster way back when.
As for the elimination of the night, I have no opionion, really. Brooke always faded into the background for me. The fact that she got so much airtime this issue, with her graduation and Fabio talking about her being so young kinda tipped off that she was going home. Oh well. They all end up models anyways.
As for my outfit, feeling a little Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls with all the blue. Fitting for this post as everyone was talking about Brooke being the youngest and inexperienced. Not my most flattering outfit, but that's never stopped me before when I wanna wear something. But actually, the pants do make my butt look nice...
Thursday's Outfit: swing jacket- Lola, Corset tank- Ross, Capris- Forever 21 (gadzooks), socks- Walmart, flats- JC Penny, scarf bow- off pants from Kohls, Belt- somewhere... (old), Pocket watch necklace- Thrift Town
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