Apparently, I want to carry a bag with me when I'm naked. Really, what is up with all the naked ladies selling bags? What exactly is the message? Buy the bag so the lady can buy some clothes? Nudist style: you may not wear clothes so assert your style with a cool bag? Just really baffles/annoys me, especially when I see it back, to back, to back by about twenty different brands in the same magazine. I flipped through to page 75 with only a page or two of actual content before that. Y'all know fashion magazines annoy me, and yet I most be a masochist for I buy one or two every now and then. This time it was Bazaar, since I tend to like their articles. Yes, JLO on the cover sold it to me as I was wondering why she was on the cover of a best dressed magazine, considering she's been looking, well, old, decrepit, and isn't exactly praised often for her style. I must say, I liked how they did their best dressed list, showing the pictures and then an article explaining the choices kind of generally. It points out that we all have a different idea of style, and few people would agree with the list. And also how one guy had a problem with the list because his wife dressed better than everyone ont he list and he didn't want to read anything that didn't have his wife in it (or something close to that.). These ideas gave me pause, because I too am guilty about those quick judgements and irrational/hypocritcal behavior despite this lovely blog promoting dressing outside of the common box they try to force you to use and inside your own box, even if it does include things from the other box. (Dun-dun-duuunnnn!) So praise to Bazaar for that! I'll keep that in mind as I wonder "what that famous person was thinking!" Should they really be held to different fashion standards than the rest of us? Must every famous person also be a style icon? Just something to ponder... I'll try to keep that in mind as my mind next time it's relevant to my thoughts.
But, even keeping that in mind, I still must wonder why Britney is going out everywhere in short dresses WITHOUT UNDERWEAR? I mean, does she like flashing her parts to everyone? Is she depresses about divorcing K. Fed.? (Although I could never see why...) I don't have much love for Britney, but I did think she could do better than that creep. And I kind of feel sorry for her now. Am I the only one to notice how evil Paris Hilto looks in all of their pictures together? Paris has got this evil-friendly expression on her face (of course, she always looks like that...) and Britney looks all sweet, and like, "okay. Yay! We're going out. And you're my friend Paris. I'm n ot sure about this, but you said it was okay and I want you to like me so, I'll do it." Then, we have Paris who looks like, "Yes, yes, Britney. You look very pretty. And I have you right where I want you my pretty, mwahahahha!"
Even with my sympathy, however, the no underwear has no excuse. She's a mother! Do it for the kids, Britney. Do it for the kids so they don't get into a bunch of fights because everybody and their momma has seen their momma's nether regions. Now, I wore a very light, floaty dress today and it was a bit windy. Not windy enough to make wearing this really stupid/impracticle, but my skirt did fly up once while I was crossing a field. It was no big deal though because I'm wearing boxers. (And underwear under the boxers.) Yeah, that's right. I think boxers and socks that go over the knee are the hottest and really comfy too. Mine are red Aeropostale with little monkey faces on them. About the only thing I'd get from Aeropostale. Men's boxers too, I believe. (I won them at a party.) That would explain why they're so awesome versus th oddity that is women's boxers.
No, for Paris, I took the liberty of putting together an outfit fit for an heiress.
It's a total kick to your face, without being a kick. It's a sample of what I would wear if I had a rich daddy. Of course, I wore this even though my daddy isn't rich... Well, anyways, I think that if we are forced to see Paris (believe I do not actively seek images of her and would prefer not to be force fed her less than sparkling image), then she should take some notes from Dita von Teese. You don't have to be an ass or a boob to be sexy. And from me, it doesn't have to be pink, fluffy, and/or covered with Hello Kitty to be youthful, cute, and fun.
I believe Sullen Girl lays out the incidents mentioned above very nicely.
My outfits: The 1st worn today: skirt worn as dress & brown crochet shrug- Ross, cropped trapeze jacket- Lola, over the knee socks- Wet Seal, gold espadrilles- Old Navy, leaf necklace- Lulu's Fashion Lounge
The 2nd worn on Wednesday: faux fur bolero- eh, I forget. Last year somewheres on sale, cream corset tank (that flash of white there)- Ross, black long sleeve tee- Target, black pencil skirt and grey tights- JC Penny, brown cowboy boots- Charlotte Russe, brown belt- Payless, roses brooch- mom; used to be her grandma's, freshwater pearl necklace- Hawaii
Fully clothed Thank You,Ivy Frozen
Howdy from a wardrobe remixer. Just wanted to stop by and say I very much like reading your blog, you always have something interesting to say and it's a very enjoyable read.
You never seem to get many comments tho, which seems a shame since there must be many other readers.
Keep Writing & Take Care :)
Oh, Thanks! =D
Hysterical! you totally sussed out the paris/britney thang! Yeah I feel sorry for her too,never a big fan,but suddenly I'm rooting for her. Maybe k-fed was not such a bad idea after all! You definitely have a good sense of weiding the pen!
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