Look into the mirror of your soul.
Love and hate are one and all.
Sacrifice turns to revenge
And believe you will see the face who will say,
"I love you; I'll kill you
"But to love you...forever!"
--from Enigma's "I love you...I'll kill you"
Vinatage. It's not just about the look. It's not just about not having to worry about some chick wearing the same thing as you. It's about history.
While I do like vintage for all of the above reasons-- I seriously HATE wearing the same item at the same time at the same place as some other person--I LOVE vintage because it's a connection to the past. I love history and it's neat to think of all the time the item has survived to end up in my hands. It's also fun to muse about past owners of the garment. Who knows; I might have been the past owner (and/or creater of the homesewn stuff) back in a past life. Some items just have that big a draw to me. But my favorite vintage items come from my own family. Well, my mom.
My mom is a huge pack-rat and hates to throw stuff away. She's convinced that she'll need it one day after she's tossed it out. She's worse than me in her pack-rattish ways. I think our house might just be filled to the brim with stuff if my dad wasn't a neat freak to counter-act my mom's ways. But, I do love all the old stuff she saved from the 70s. I also love wearing the costume jewlry from my mother's grandmother and great grandmother. She was raised by them. It just gives me a worm feeling. Unfortunately, I left most of the brooches from the grandmas at home, but when I'm there, I wear at least one almost every day. I just love the warm fuzzies I get from wearing. I also think they watch out for me (they're both dead. Really, and interesting concept for me considering my less than clear views on spiritual matters...) as I do tend to be lucky, especially when paired with negative energy.
Going with that, I also adore the two rings my parents bought me. I "feel the love" when I wear them. One, I didn't particularly carefore. It was a result of a "momism". <-- That term actually does not come from my own poor grip on language, but from my American Indian studies teacher. "Momism" refers to those things mom's do, such as insisting you bundle up before going out, the doting and chicken noodle soup when you're sick, and all that stuff that you're just like "Aw, mom!" about. In this case, that would be insisting that I should get this ring, that I don't particularly want, because my sister got one, that she wanted. The other ring is my birth stone and diamond. It's the only ring I've actually ever wanted. Aquamarine, diamond, and white gold: a stunning combination. It's so winter fresh, pure/innocent, and also springy; all images and ideas I relate to myself. My name IS Ivy Frozen and I told you I adore it and find it just so fitting. Also, if I ever get married (which would involve a little thing, like I dunno, a boyfriend first), I totally want my engagement ring to be aquamarine, diamon, and white gold! I'd marry that guy on the spot if I got a ring in with that combo. And he'd be getting laid when he wanted, how he wanted (to translate some more lines from Enigma) if the proposal also came with these shoes. Ah, now that's a dream.
In the picture above, I am sporting a color combo fit to match that ring. And that shirt used to belong to my mother, way back when she was about my size. (I think she was always a bit bigger than me, at least her boobs.) Gotta love that parrot! As for the Enigma lyrics, I've been playing Enigma and E Nomine music obsessivly lately (sign me up for their cults!) and, well, the lyrics relate to this post with how love and hate are somehow the same thing, while be oppossites. A very thin line between them. Or is there a line at all? Sometimes, I'd say no. As used in this post, yes.
My outfit (from Sunday): button up shirt with parrot- mom from 70s/80s, white with black dots shirt (under)- Ross, blue corduroys- Sears, wedges- Kohls (They have leaves on side of the wedge heel!), green waist belt- Thrift Town
I love you, I'll kill you
Ivy Frozen
I love Enigma! Oh yes ,I agree i always feel protected by my inherited goodies from my Grandma.
love the play on 'Go West, Young Man'
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