I have internet and I am back, as promised.
It seems I've been tagged by that rockin' lady over at Punky Style. So get ready, ladies and gents, for 7 random things about me, even more random than my usual randomness. But first, I must wax on about the rules of this little game, as copy and pasted from Punky:
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to then report this on their blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. They then need to tag 7 others and list their names on their blog. They are also asked to leave a comment for each of the tagged, letting them know they have been tagged and to read the blog.
Aight! Here we go!
Uno: I think almost everything is better in a foreign language. I'll watch foreign soap operas, but can't stand American ones; I like more foreign pop songs than American. I guess the foreign language factor just ups their interest factor for me, and cultural differences have always interested me.

Dos: I apologize to dolls, stuffed animals, action figures, and any other toy I step on, sit on, knock over, etc. Curse you Rudolph, with your Island of Toys that No One Wanted, and Toy Story.
Tres: I never cut my finger nails because I hate the feeling of when my nails are cut. They break off naturally before they start that creepy curve thing, and I keep them clean.
Quatro: I'm addicted to those shows where they talk about and/or investigate hauntings, but I hate most horror movies.
Cinco: I wish Fantasia and lived up to Walt Disney's original vision, where it would be continually updated and changed featuring new segments alongside old favorites.
Seis: Six is my favorite number and lucky too.
Siete: I love the first Pokemon theme song.
I have the CD and listen to it when I need a boost.
So there you have it, seven random things about me.
But wait!
It seems it took me so long to complete my first tag, that I have also been tagged by lovely The Happy Hippie.
What The Happy Hippie has to say on the matter:
I believe the idea is to post 5 little-known facts about yourself, and then tagSo, here's five little-known facts to go along with the seven random facts to make thirteen facts in all. But we'll just say the thirteenth is actually the fourteenth, to avoid the bad luck stigma and have something in common with hotel floor numbering. But, on to the facts:
5 more people?
1. When I was a little girl, I looked just like my mother when she was my age. Seriously. She showed me a picture once of her at my age and I thought it was a picture of me. Now that I've grown, I favor my father more in the looks department, although I'm still often told that I'm the perfect combination of my parents, both in looks and personality.
2. I do my best creative work after nine or ten at night. For some reason, all becomes clear to me at that point and work as one in a trance. On schoolnights, this is often around my bedtime, which makes it hard for me to sleep, since my brain is so active.
3. I don't smile in pictures because in previous pictures (mostly school pictures), I've been tired which causes my muscles to freak out. So when I'd smile for the picture, my cheek muscles would visably freak out. As a result, I formed a habit of not smiling in pictures, especially when I'm tired. My eyelid also twitches when I'm tired, as do my calf muscles.
4. I hope to open up an online shop, selling my original creations and refashioned clothing, and I just got a new sewing machine. ::insert mischievous look here:: I still need a dress form though. Anyone know where I can get a good one for a good price?
5. I've never been kissed.
There you have it. Now, since I've been tagged twice, and I really don't feel like tagging thirteen blogs--remember the unlucky thing!--, I'm going to tag six blogs--it being my lucky number and all-- because it's right in between the two. All ye tag can choose which of the two tags you wish to complete, if you wish to complete any at all. But beware, for he who breaks the blog tag chain suffers a 1,000 years of-- ergh, what? You won't live that long? Well, complete it or not. 'Tis your choice.
Now, I choose you: The Happy Hippie, Vintage Amore, Candid Cool, The Fray, The Cheap Chica, and I Like Her Style. Use your blog post attack!
My outfit: Same deal as always. Click the pic for outfit deets.
I wanna be the very best as I play with bolding text,
Ivy Frozen
now I among your readers
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