Yes, long hair can make you look short. Yes, it can date you, but you see my friends, I don't think that's a bad thing. Plus, take a look at Sarah.

To wonderfully hippie and butterfly and modern.
I've always longed to have hair like Sarah Brightman's, so long, it doubles as a shawl or cape. Fine, my actual fantasy is hair long enough to give Cousin It a run for his money. Alas, it seems genetics have spoiled all my plans.
I've never really cut my hair, and flat ironed straight it only sits around-ish my shoulder blades, as you can see above in a pic from Spring Break. My cousin who does regulary trim her hair and keeps it straight has the same problem. Curse you genetics!
While we're on beautiful hair fantasies of mine, I share with you a dream I thought was within my grasp.

These pony tails from an Ashish (I think) show. Wonderful on the model, horribly impracticle in real life. Tried it, and the things to wide, and flops about annoyingly. Curse you hair gods, curse you! Now watch as my hair comes out all poodle-ly tommorow...
Back to my hair goddess who should be pimping out hair products left and right, besides her voice, I also love her image. She's Diva-licious on stage, and I do enjoy who she does go from these darker, more gothic looks to these airy, ethereal nymph things. Drama, versitility, and sweet and sour contrasts: you're roottin' toottin' me likey!
As for her music, she did start on the stage and became big for starring in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera, back when she and him were together. After that, she went for a solo pop career. She does a bunch of covers and a few original songs. I really love who she blends more classical sounds with more of a pop beat. She really has a lot of different sounds though, which I love in an artists. Keeps me interested, and I always know which song is which when it starts playing. My favorite album is probably Harem, and then Eden.
A clip show. But I like this version of her song, Eden. It combines two of my favorite musics: Sarah Brightman and Enigma. Plus it has some nice shots of her in it.
Delivery me, another favorite song of mine. Plus, you getta see her live-ish and dig the african imagery.
And for all of my lovely readers:
Beautiful. I love this song. It brings tears to my eyes everytime, because of the chorus. "Do you know/you're beautiful/do you know/you're beautiful/do you know/you're beautiful/you are/yes you are/yes you are" 'Cause I feel like that with a few friends of mine who struggle with self image, and I think they're so beautiful.
Plus, plenty of Sarah hair-uh time in this video, and I'm a sucker for violins.
Okay, I can link to fabulous Sarah Brightman songs in shabby you-tube quality infinitely, but if you like her, check her out and envy her locks.
Suffering from Hair Envy,
Ivy Frozen
My outfit: Sorry nothing new for today, but look-out for some new creation(s) of mine real soon. If ya fancy anything in the picture, clicky it to be carried to it's flickr page where all the info be.
I am in complete agreement w/ you on Sarah Brightman, I'm attempting to grow my hair out like hers currently. :]
Oooh! Hope you have better luck with that than I did, while I grumble jealously in a corner.
You look like a different person with straight hair, nearly!
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