Join me in my sitting room and we'll have a little chat today about fitting in. I've been musing over the issue lately, mainly because I tend not to. I know his must come as SUCH a SURPRISE to any of you readers who have taken the time to read a few posts here, but I definitely dance to the beat of my own drum. And I love it.
I mean, take the world outstanding. I mean, "stand out" is in the word. So, standing out, not fitting in, is outstanding!
Actually though, I have both a desire to fit in, as is natural for any community creature, but also almost an aversion to it. I hate ipods, Harry Potter, the Eragon series mainly because everyone else likes it*, and they're just everywhere. Some of my habits are picked up simply because they are a little off, and I love the oddities of other people. I think sometimes people misunderstand my love of their oddities though, since I might tease them/seem like I'm teasing them a little since I love it so much. I'm also simply attracted to things that are weird, since it makes them that much more interesting to me. I loved oxygen when they played those weird movies, like the one with the woman who ended up sharing her husband with her sister, the crazy cello playing genius or the one with the woman who tried to be a lesbian.
So why have I been musing on fitting in? Mainly because I joined this site, StyleMob.
Apparently, if you click that and join, you're automatically my friend. I believe the picture is from the very fabulous sjwhidden. As for the slogan on it, I have no idea what it means but it sounds sounds so aggressive that I just had to use it. Now that I'm done confusing you, StyleMob is another do-it-yourself street fashion site, and we all know I love to post up pictures of me in my pretty, pretty outfits on the internet. This site also allows for feedback, which me likey too, since my hair isn't big enough as it is. (Yes it's my hair that grows, not my head.)StyleMob also hosts contests. It definitely sets them apart from other street fashion sites I've seen, and I'm tickled pink to be able to say that they aren't scams. But what I was apprehensive about when I joined was that this site rates outfits.
I'm not a big fan of that for the selfish reasons I'm sure you can guess from the previous paragraphs in this post alone, but also because people have such different philosophies on what is a good outfit. Therefore the ratings aren't too helpful, especially for the "go big or go home", dramatic types like me. Also, I worry they can be discouraging to others and people may be a little overly negative. I'm all about wear what you want and who cares what anyone thinks; they don't have to wear it. Within reason of course, though. I feel you should respect places and situations. For example, keeping it work appropriate at work, and G-rated to pick up the kiddies at kindergarten. Beyond that though, go for it and don't care what I or anyone else thinks.
But, back on topic, I find though that the more people dislike an outfit according to their new voting thingie, the more I love it. Those outfits make me so happy when I look at them, since they usually include my crazy mixing and gross overuse of bold colors. Stylemob is definitely a community skewed towards certain looks and getting certain things from outfits, but I think any street style/fashion online community will have the same.
As for StyleMob, I'm actually pretty impressed with them since so far they've managed to keep it a positive place. Of course, it is still in friends-only beta mode, which is why you have to be my friend to join. I wonder how it'll fair once it's open to the masses, since there are some pretty cruel jerks out there. But, I will say if you enjoy street style to give StyleMob a go. While obviously I don't care much about the lower ratings, it's still fun to see how people perceive my outfits.
Most of the comments that I've received meant as criticism tell me exactly what I was going for in the outfit. Too busy? Or busy bliss? Skanky? Perfect. And this outfit seems to have spawned a debate over the bow. Love it or hate it? Either way, I adore it.
Anywho, if you like this sort of stuff, get on it. Just clicky the image way back up there and join.
Ivy Frozen
My outfit: Clicky the picky for any details.
*They're everywhere and it seems everyone's talking about them.
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