Shirley Manson, the rocking frontwoman of Garbage, has captivated listeners worldwide with her signature huge green eyes, red hair, and sultry voice. Apparently the looks that we all love earned her beatings from her schoolmates when she was a child. That caused her to go into depression and while she's overcome the depression through music, she still struggles with how she sees herself. I don't understand the whole beating someone up because you think they're ugly thing. I mean, I'd be more likely to hurt someone out of jealousy that they looked good. I mean, what's the point if they're ugly? Just my two cents that they were totally jealous, Shirley, and anyone else who suffered teasing about their looks!
Shirley is not just the vocalist and face of Garbage. When she first signed on to the band, she went through and heavily revised all the lyrics. She became their lyricist, and she plays guitar in the band. She is one talented and beautiful lady.
What I love about Shirley is that you can put her in anything, even the most conservative outfit, and she still gives off this rocker vibe. In fact, she often does keep it simple, and lets her hair and make up do the talking. Plus, she seems so fun in interviews and even in some of her videos and photos. And of course I admire powerful women, involved in music or otherwise, not afraid to do their thing.
I love her kind of Jetson/futuristic style in these two videos, for "Push It" and "Only Happy When it Rains". Push it might not be quite safe for work; it has some fetishy stuff and aliens. "Only Happy When it Rains" should be cool though. Love her brightly colored minidresses.
I was inspired by this, since I've been on a Garbage kick lately, and decided to do my own thing.
No, I am not widening my eyes to make them look really big. My eyelashes get stuck together and I widen my eyes like that to unhook them. It happened to be the picture that showed off the outfit the best. I kept it simple like garbage and added some fun rock accents. I also think the trash shirt goes well with my Garbage theme. I made those elastic bands on my feet and over the shoes because I've seen similar things built into shoes now, which I thought looked cool and I read somewhere that the trend originated from elastic bands used to keep models shoes on their feet on the runway. I'd say they work good. Really simple and cheap to make. Just some thick elastic from your local fabric store and stitch it into a tube, and you're good to go. Plus, I can wear them as wrist band-bracelet things.
My hair really has nothing to do with Garbage. I just felt like doing this to it. It was orginally going to be my usual ponytail with the front down, but I wanted the hair out of my face so I took the very front part of my hair and swept it back and pinned it with a bow.
Later on, I hiked the skirt up and tied it with a scarf.
Here, I simply didn't belt, despite my total love for the belt. It was hard, but it's for Shirley! I would have worn taller shoes too, but I was walking to campus from my condo for the fist time so I wanted to be comfy. Only took bout 15 minutes and I ran into Purple while I was there. I forget Purple's real name , it's something normal, but I dubbed him Purple since he has this plain purple tee that is just the perfect shade of purple. I earned my title as "Distracto Girl" again, since Purple always ends up passing where he's heading when he walks with me. Something to do with pirate ninja ghost zombie dragons, in disguise.
I leave you with various pictures of Shirley Manson throughout the years to the song "#1 Crush." ("I would die for you/I would die for you...") She's about 40 now and cute as a button, though I'd be wary about petting her...
Dressing for the MANson*,
Ivy Frozen
*Bwahhahahaha! I couldn't resist. Remember, I am a nerd.
I love how you styled your hair in the first couple of shots. It really suits your face shape.
Agreed with Kori.
Also, Shirley does in fact rock regardless of what she's got on.
Thanks you two =)
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