Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm not Dead


No, just without my own internet, so I have to bum campus's. Outside. In the heat. And it is hot. So, I'm not able to spend as much time on the internet right now, and much of the time I do spend is on searching for a job, and doing things for my new condo. But, fear not, for I shall return. Internet is scheduled to go in on the 21st, and I'll pass on my internet tag then.

Until then, check in with me at my flickr photostream and get some crazy street style kicks from wardrobe remix.

My outfit: From back before I moved. Clicky the pic for all the info.

Busy Bee,
Ivy Frozen

P.S. Stripes go with stripes.

1 comment:

The Happy Hippie said...

Of course stripes go with stripes. :] I've tagged you, by the way.