In keeping with my current pattern, a second post along a similar theme. Some blogger said that she never get compliments on her shoes from men. I think it was Daddy Likey, but I'm prone to totally making up memories this late at night. I actually get compliments from men on my shoes all. the. time. From my dad, my uncle, male friends, and even guys on the street. They all have a favorite pair of my shoes.
Thus, let's do one of those boring clip shows where I show you pictures of my shoes that I had lying around. But, I raise that by adding commentary about said shoes.
These are just my Happy Shoes. I really love all my shoes, but these just always make me smile, even if this photo is just a little sad. One of my guy friends was floored by these babies and ladies around the world can't help but agree with me that these shoes not only rock, but rock hard.
These are my first heels, and my dad and uncle adore them. Yes, I know these barely qualify, but dammit, kitten heels are heels too. Let's not forget them in the midst of the stripper heels. I like them simple, with a little button detail to amp it up.
My sis calls these my slut shoes. I couldn't disagree more. These are dangerously low campared to shoes on the market now. The wedge is not more that 3-3 1/2 inches and they're pretty comfy. Unfortunately, the ties won't wrap up my leg and stay up nicely. If they show you shoes that do this, they lie. The shoes that wrap like that do not exist.
The guys in my photo class didn't even know what this was. Let's hope all of you recognized it as an espadrille and my staple shoes last autumn. A comfy low wedge that's quieter than a sneaker and I like the fell of the more natural sole.
The lace up boots receive a lot of attention, especially since I changed the laces again to black ones that end at the ankle. When I wear these, a lot of people stare at my feet and I get a few comments from women. Good ones are spoken directly to me; those comments of a questionable nature are whispered behind my back in those loud voices that all the college people around here possess that officially cancels the whisper out and elevates it to just below a yell or shout. Random guy on the street yelled out "Sexy Boots!" to me, and he wasn't one of the creepy sort on congregate on every corner in cities and catcall anything female that walks past.
The other pair of boots is the favorite of one of my guy friends. I like thme because their warm, comfy, and don't make my feet look like they were pumped up with air.
Bronze heels I bought for a special occasion and never wore since I found better shoes to fit the purpose. They're true to size 8 1/2s and for sale, if you dig em.
Hmmm, no pick of on of my cowboy boots that one of my male friends adores lying around, so maybe I'll take a pic of them tommorrow.
Shoes: all mine, all by me. Click on them for details. Multi-image hosting sites here, so that's why they're so randomly sized. Bear with while I figure out how to get all the right sizes where they should be. Until then, enjoy oversized pics.
Maquis de Shod,
Ivy Frozen
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