Ugh, with the last couple of posts, you probably think this is turning into a celebri-style blog, but fear not dear readers! This blog is all about me! Really, I'm not as narcissistic as that sounded... But, let's just move on, shall we?
What's up with the pic of flowers at the top instead of the signature pic of one of my outfits? You know I was feeling Spring quite a while ago, well the plants around here are telling me that Spring has arrived. While I still have my doubts--those clouds in the distance sure look menacing even in the bright sunlight---this is an image heavy post with outfits inspired by all the lovely blooms around and my desire for Spring!
The flower above translated into this outfit. If you can see from the close up. it has soses and other flowers all over it in an explosion that reminds me of the first flower pic in this post, at the top. I kept the rest simple though, like the sigle flower, though I couldn't resist the head band (it reminded me of Klimpt!) and I was testing out the shoes to see if they delivered on their promis of comfort, which they did. They have small heels, maybe 2 inches, but they're more comfy than some of my flats. While they can seem a bit grandma-ish, I think they work well with sort mod-inspired looks and also a certain '50s charm about them.
The thrid flower image above reminded me of these outfits of mine, back from when I was wish'n and hope'n and pray'n for Spring. That bold pink and the curvature are reflected well in these outfits. It's a little bolder than the flower in the fence.
With some Spring in her step,
Ivy Frozen
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